Saturday, December 17, 2011

What abortionists want

By all accounts, several hundred thousand pro-abortion demonstrators rallied in the capital yesterday.
I don't know about you, but I can't figure out what it is they're protesting.
For most of the last 31 years, they have gotten their way.
Unrestricted abortion on demand has been treated by the political establishment as the law of the land.
It has been accepted by politicians and the court jesters as the law of the land since 1973.
The people, working through institutions of representative government and elections, have effectively been denied any say in the matter of abortion ever since.
Nevertheless, these malcontents still act threatened. These abortion fanatics still act as if they won't be happy until the state requires a license to birth a child in this country. These bleeding-hands liberals continue to act like an oppressed majority.
That's what I witnessed yesterday when these 250,000 baby-bashers met in Washington.
What exactly were they protesting? They got what they wanted.
It's worth noting that they didn't get their way because they showed their strength at the ballot box. It's worth noting that they didn't get their way because of superior organization in pushing legislation at the state or national levels. It's worth nothing that despite misusing the government schools to promote their propaganda, getting aid and comfort from the establishment media for their cause and having judicial tyrants ram their agenda down the throats of an unwilling public, they still haven't persuaded a significant majority of the righteousness of their cause.
They got what they wanted through intimidation, through authoritarianism, through top-down state control and by denying the people any say in the issue.
That's why I thought what the aging diva of the bleeding-hands liberals, Gloria Steinem, had to say was nearly comical.
"The desire to control reproduction is the mark of authoritarian governments around the world and, unfortunately, it's ours, as well," she said on CNN.
She's right that the desire to control reproduction is one of the marks of an authoritarian government. We can see that in China, where the central government limits parents to one child in most cases. This is a policy that has been applauded by many of Steinem's National Organization for Women colleagues for years.
For instance, former NOW President Molly Yard said, in 1989 on the Oprah Winfrey show: "We are going to have to face as China has faced the policy of controlling the size of families, and to assume that we can go on without facing the responsibility is totally irresponsible ... I consider the Chinese government's policy among the most intelligent in the world ... It is a policy limited to the heavily overpopulated areas and it is an attempt to feed the people of China. I find it very intelligent."
She was hardly the first or last NOW leader to extol or, at least, excuse the most authoritarian reproduction policies in the world.
Steinem is also right when she calls U.S. national policy authoritarian. It is so because judicial tyrants have taken the matter of abortion out of the hands of the people – or at least the people have been bullied into believing they have.
So, I'm still puzzled. After listening to all the speeches, reading all the banners and listening to all the chanting at yesterday's rally in the capital. Just what is it these malcontent feminazis want now? Will they not be satisfied until all the unborn babies are torn apart?
Can someone help me out here?
What is it these abortion fanatics want now?

By Joseph Farah

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