Friday, November 27, 2009

accidentally got pregnant womens thoughts......!!!!

I just wanted to write you to let you know how great it really is to see someone out there trying to make a difference. People so often overlook this issue...they make it out to be no big deal. I am sure you get so many messages like mine, but you know, I used to be one of the "neutrals." I knew it was wrong, but I thought that it was not my business what other people did. I guess this is my story... lame or not...

In June, I accidentally got pregnant. The guy I was dating, of two years almost, was a very godly, upright man. He was 24. I was 19. His entire family thought he was the greatest person in the world. He is now in the process of becoming a youth minister at his church. Whenever he found out that I was pregnant, he insisted that I have an abortion. A "man of God" who preached to me my faults day in and day out, wanted me to get an abortion! Why? Because he was not ready to be a father. It would have inconvenienced his life, simply because he was not ready to face the consequences of his lustful actions. Never really siding one way or another with abortion had come to an end for me. I knew that there was a child, a living being, inside of me, and for the first time I actually accepted the fact that abortion WAS murder.

I was debating the abortion, because my boyfriend kept pressuring and pressuring me to do it. My point of realization came when I went to the doctor for the first ultrasound, and saw my child inside of me. Whenever I heard his heartbeat booming, I knew right then and there that I could never have killed this child, nor would I do it now.
At such an early stage in my pregnancy, you could make out his body. I could see him! He was living inside of me. Seeing him on that monitor was the most heart-warming and loving feeling I have ever experienced. I had never felt more complete in my life than I did at that moment.

It is just amazing to me how selfish people can be. I refused to have an abortion. Unfortunately, I had a miscarriage and lost the child a couple of months into the pregnancy. If I had not lost the child, I would have proudly had that baby, without any aid from my ex-boyfriend, and I would have gladly taken the heat from my family..all of that for the baby. That experience made me realize that we as people should not have a choice when it is a choice to kill another human being. That would be like choosing to kill your four-year-old daughter or son...merely because they are an inconveinence to you. That would never be accepted in today's why should abortion? If you can't kill a living, breathing, walking person, what gives you the right to kill a living child simply because they are still developing in your womb?

Sorry, I just felt compelled to give you my story. It is so weird to think I was ever even remotely okay with the idea of abortion. I have definitely stepped up and made my opinions known ever since that day...and I thank God for that experience. As hard as it was to lose a child, it has forever changed my life and view on the creation of life.

Thank you, and God Bless you for everything you are doing and have already done.

Cheryl, Arkansas


  1. Name : Brandy Thompson

    "Its a nice job please be do more and more"
