Thursday, December 24, 2009
Prayer for Aborted Babies
Heavenly Father,
Thou hast given us the gift of freedom
to love and to follow in Thy ways and commands.
Some parents choose to abuse this freedom
by destroying the gift of life
which Thou hast given to their offspring.
Please forgive those who destroy human life
by aborting their unborn babies.
Give these unborn children the opportunity
to enjoy Thee for all eternity,
if it according to Thy ordinance.
Assist me in being one in solidarity with Thy little ones
by taking to heart the words of Thy Son,
"whatever you did for one of these least brothers of Mine,
you did for Me." (Mt. 25:40)
Therefore, allow me today, Father,
to adopt spiritually an unborn child
and to offer my prayers, works,
joys and sufferings for that little one,
so that child will be able to be born and live
for Thy greater honor and glory.
We pray this in Jesus' name,
in union with the Holy Spirit one God forever and ever.
Americans using surrogacy to create made-to-order babies
The Times gives three disturbing examples.
After years of infertility, Amy and Scott Kehoe decided to hire a surrogate. They purchased sperm from an anonymous donor, who is a high-achieving college student and employed a surrogate mother. Their twins were born on July 28.
But the babies are now in the custody of the surrogate mother, Laschell Baker, after she acquired a court order to remove the children from Ms Kehoe’s care. Upon discovering that Ms Kehoe was suffering from a mental illness, Ms Baker feared for the children’s safety. “I couldn’t see living the rest of my life worrying and wondering what had happened, or what if she hadn’t taken her medicine, or what if she relapsed,” Ms Baker told the Times. Baker already has four children of her own, and plans to raise the twins, Bridget and Ethan, with her husband Paul.
Five parties were involved in this transaction: the sperm donor, the egg donor, Ms Baker and the Kehoes -- plus the two middlemen who brokered the sperm and eggs.
Lawyers say that fewer problems arise when there is a genetic link between the prospective parents and the offspring. Very often, gestational surrogacy involves two parents who are able to produce eggs and sperm of their own, but the woman is unable to carry a baby. Most surrogacy arrangements run smoothly, and doctors say that they can be highly fulfilling.
Another case involved an eccentric 60-year-old who engaged a sperm donor, an egg donor, a surrogate mother to produce twin girls. From the moment of the birth there were allegations of neglect and utter incompetence as a parent. He had approached the transaction so carelessly that he has had to fight several attempts to remove the girls from his care.
The third involved a woman who agreed to be a gestational surrogate for her brother and his male partner. The partner donated sperm and the woman carried the child to birth. The trio are now fighting for custody of 3-year-old twin girls. The woman now claims that she is the mother even though she did not supply the eggs for the process.
In the US, there is no centralised authority regulating surrogacy. Although fertility doctors have a financial stake in the process, they basically control the process. California upholds surrogacy agreements, but Michigan doesn't.
George J. Annas, a Boston University bioethicist, said, “This is the main problem with commercialization, seeing children as a consumer product. This is especially true when there is no genetic connection with the child,” he told the Times last week. “It really does treat children like commodities. Like pets.”
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Voice for the Voiceless-Becca
When I was 19, I was pregnant, scared and alone. I had were many 'choices.' I gave my son up for adoption at birth, by choice. Seven years later, he is happy, healthy and well-taken care of by his adoptive parents . . .
I would like to share my story of courage with your readers. I have made it one of my life's goals to eliminate the stigma and negative connotation that adoption carries in our society. I would also like to educate people about open adoption. I might be able to use pictures if my son's parents allow! Any opportunity to share my story is appreciated. The work you are doing is so important! Thank You.
Becca, Massachusetts
I would like to share my story of courage with your readers. I have made it one of my life's goals to eliminate the stigma and negative connotation that adoption carries in our society. I would also like to educate people about open adoption. I might be able to use pictures if my son's parents allow! Any opportunity to share my story is appreciated. The work you are doing is so important! Thank You.
Becca, Massachusetts
Oops, I'm Pregnant......Pregnancy Advice, Guides, Counselors & More.
"I think it's sickening that you can actually do something like this," Tyronica Tunstall, Jimella's cousin, told the Post-Dispatch. "I hope Jimella wasn't living when the baby was cut out."
While Tunstall bled to death, Hall called 911 from a park in nearby Centreville, saying that she gave birth to a stillbornbaby. Hall and the baby were taken to a hospital, where she told police several conflicting stories and refused to be examined by doctors, the Post-Dispatch reported. Since the baby showed no sign of trauma, her body was released to Hall.
After the baby girl was buried September 21, Hall confessed to her boyfriend that she killed Tunstall and claimed the baby as her own, according to the Chicago Tribune. The boyfriend, a sailor on leave from the Navy, called police and they soon found Tunstall's body and arrested Hall.
The next day, police discovered that Tunstall had three other children. After nationwide alerts and a massive search, investigators discovered the bodies of seven-year-old DeMond, two-year-old Ivan, and one-year-old Jinela stuffed into the washer and dryer in Tunstall's apartment, the Tribune reported. An autopsy later showed that the children, last seen with Hall, who often babysat them, on September 18, had been drowned and their naked bodies placed in the appliances.
Hall, currently in jail on a $5 million bond, pled not guilty September 25 in Tunstall and the baby's deaths. Authorities are still investigating the murders of the three older children, and prosecutors expect to present the case to a grand jury October 6, according to the Associated Press.
Ohio "Choose Life" License Plate Lawsuit Dropped
A lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Ohio's specialty "Choose Life" license plates has been dropped, as a result of the Supreme Court's June 26 refusal to overturn an appeals court decision approving similar plates in Tennessee, according to the Columbus Dispatch.
The license plates feature a drawing of a boy and girl with the phrases "Adoption builds a family" and "Choose life." They cost an extra $30 each year, $20 of which goes to groups that counsel women about adoption. The plates became available last year, and 2,299 have been sold since then, the Dispatch reported.
The American Civil Liberties Union American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), nonpartisan organization devoted to the preservation and extension of the basic rights set forth in the U.S. Constitution. (ACLU ACLU: see American Civil Liberties Union. ), representing NARAL NARAL National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League Pro-Choice Ohio, filed the suit arguing that the license plate program unfairly promoted only one side of the abortion debate. The ACLU had already lost in one court, when U.S. Judge Donald Nugent upheld the Ohio plates in September 2005, the Cleveland Plain Dealer reported. "There is an arguable benefit to the public in providing funding for adoption-related services separate and apart from any political or ideological arguments involved," Nugent ruled.
The case was on appeal to the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which had previously decided in March that Tennessee's Choose Life plates were constitutional. After the U.S. Supreme Court let the Tennessee appeals court decision stand, the ACLU knew the Ohio case had no chance for success in that court, according to the Dispatch.
"Our case had been stayed pending the outcome of the Tennessee case," ACLU attorney Carrie Davis told the Dispatch. "Once the stay was lifted, we filed to drop the case."
Studies Show Improvement after Adult Stem Cell Treatment of Heart Disease Studies published in the September 21 edition of the New England Journal of Medicine The New England Journal of Medicine (New Engl J Med or NEJM) is an English-language peer-reviewed medical journal published by the Massachusetts Medical Society. It is one of the most popular and widely-read peer-reviewed general medical journals in the world. (NEJM NEJM New England Journal of Medicine ) show some modest but definite improvement after heart attack survivors were given stem cells stem cells, unspecialized human or animal cells that can produce mature specialized body cells and at the same time replicate themselves. Embryonic stem cells are derived from a blastocyst (the blastula typical of placental mammals; see embryo), which is very young obtained from their own bone marrow.
"Recent randomized ran·dom·ize
tr.v. ran·dom·ized, ran·dom·iz·ing, ran·dom·iz·es
To make random in arrangement, especially in order to control the variables in an experiment. studies of cell therapy for heart disease represent a milestone in this rapidly developing field while serving as a cogent reminder that many important clinical and fundamental questions have yet to be addressed," wrote Dr. Anthony Rosenzweig of the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Both an international and regional referral center, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) in Boston, Massachusetts is a major teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School. It was formed out of the 1996 merger of Beth Israel Hospital (founded in 1916) and and Harvard Stem Cell stem cell
In living organisms, an undifferentiated cell that can produce other cells that eventually make up specialized tissues and organs. There are two major types of stem cells, embryonic and adult. Institute in an editorial in the same issue of NEJM. "The ultimate success of this strategy is likely to depend on continued and effective coordination of rigorous basic and clinical investigations."
Although one study by a team in Norway did not show significant improvement in six months between patients who were given stem cells derived from bone marrow (BMC (BMC Software, Inc., Houston, TX, A leading supplier of software that supports and improves the availability, performance, and recovery of applications in complex computing environments. ) and a control group who received no cells, two other studies from Germany were encouraging.
Researchers at Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany, led by senior author Andreas M. Zeiher, gave 204 patients who had suffered a heart attack either an injection of blood marrow stem cells or a placebo. At four months, according to the NEJM report, measurements showed that the improvement of the heart's efficiency in the BMC group was "significantly greater" than the placebo group.
"This double-blind and fully controlled trial controlled trial Clinical research A clinical study in which one group of participants receives an experimental drug while the other receives either a placebo or an approved–'gold standard' therapy. See Blinding, Double-blinded. provides the best evidence yet for beneficial effects of BMC after acute myocardial infarction acute myocardial infarction (
·kyōōtˑ mī·ō·karˑ·dē· [heart attack]," wrote Rosenzweig
Rosenzweig also wrote that the German researchers "found the rate of adverse clinical events to be significantly lower at 1 year among patients receiving BMC than among those receiving placebo. ... [I]t reinforces the message that BMC infusion is not only feasible but also safe, and it raises the possibility that clinical benefits may exceed the modest improvement seen in ventricular function ventricular function,
n the cyclic contraction and relaxation of the ventricular myocardium. ."
Another study by researchers at Goethe University gave 75 patients either no cells, BMC, or cells derived from circulated blood, according to the NEJM report. The BMC group showed small but significant improvement after three months.
"Although the benefit observed after BMC infusion was modest ... , it is remarkable that any benefit was seen in these patients, who were studied on average more than 6 years after infarction and who were already receiving optimal medical care," Rosenzweig wrote. "The ... trial suggests that BMC can have effects beyond simple acceleration of healing after infarction. Whether repeated infusions would yield additive benefits and whether these benefits would persist will be important questions for future trials."
Abortion Leads to Murder-Suicide
According to an eyewitness, Plantation, Florida, police officer Laura Grunas blamed her boyfriend, firefighter Robert Peat, for the abortion death of her unborn baby before killing him and then turning the gun on herself, the South Florida Sun-Sentinel The South Florida Sun-Sentinel, owned by the Tribune Company, is the main daily newspaper of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and all of Broward County. Its main competitor in this area is the Miami Herald, out of neighboring Miami-Dade County to the south. reported.
Reserve police officer and volunteer firefighter Michael Roth, a friend of the couple, watched as Grunas, 30, and Peat, 31, were fiercely arguing on the afternoon of August 4. Neighbors told the Miami Herald that Grunas was yelling, "Why is everyone blaming this on me? He killed my baby."
"Roth advised that Peat had told him that when they found out she was pregnant, they decided to terminate the pregnancy," Detective Brian Kendall wrote in a report, according to the Sun-Sentinel. "Peat was enormously upset about it due to religious beliefs, but felt that it was the right thing to do."
But Peat told Roth that after the abortion "things had been getting progressively worse."
Police were called to the scene and asked Grunas to leave, the Herald reported. However, Grunas returned at about 8 p.m. and confronted Peat. She then used her service revolver to fatally shoot him in the chest before killing herself, according to the Herald.
Friends, relatives, and fellow police officers and firefighters said they were shocked at Grunas and Peat's deaths. "[Grunas] had an outgoing personality, was pleasant to be around," Michael Hanlon, president of the department's Fraternal Order of Police The Fraternal Order of Police is a US-based organization of sworn law enforcement officers. It is the world's largest organization of rank and file sworn officers, with over 2100 local lodges and over 325,000 members. lodge, told the Sun-Sentinel. "I never had the slightest inkling that this was going on."
"It's a terrible loss to everyone that worked with [Peat] and the fire department in general," Joe Hernandez, Peat's battalion chief, told the Sun-Sentinel.
Mother Arrested in Forced Abortion Attempt
The mother of a 16-year-old Columbus, Georgia, girl allegedly forced her twice to drink turpentine turpentine, yellow to brown semifluid oleoresin exuded from the sapwood of pines, firs, and other conifers. It is made up of two principal components, an essential oil and a type of resin that is called rosin. in an attempt to kill the girl's unborn baby, according to the Associated Press (AP). Rozzelletta Blackshire was arrested September 22 and charged with criminal abortion criminal abortion Obstetrics Deliberate and illegal termination of pregnancy. See Abortion, Roe v Wade. Cf Webster decision. and first-degree cruelty to children. Also arrested were two cousins, Shonda Blackshire and Monica Johnson, who were charged with criminal abortion, the AP reported.
"The mother and two cousins were involved in forcibly having her to take a quantity of turpentine on two different occasions explaining to her that their help would help kill her baby and do away with her pregnancy," said Lt. J.R. McMichael of the Columbus Police Department, according to WTVM.
The unidentified girl told school counselors about the incidents, and police have placed her in protective custody An arrangement whereby a person is safeguarded by law enforcement authorities in a location other than the person's home because his or her safety is seriously threatened. , WTVM reported. Examinations have shown no injury to her or the baby, and she continues to carry the baby to term, according to WTVM.
While Tunstall bled to death, Hall called 911 from a park in nearby Centreville, saying that she gave birth to a stillbornbaby. Hall and the baby were taken to a hospital, where she told police several conflicting stories and refused to be examined by doctors, the Post-Dispatch reported. Since the baby showed no sign of trauma, her body was released to Hall.
After the baby girl was buried September 21, Hall confessed to her boyfriend that she killed Tunstall and claimed the baby as her own, according to the Chicago Tribune. The boyfriend, a sailor on leave from the Navy, called police and they soon found Tunstall's body and arrested Hall.
The next day, police discovered that Tunstall had three other children. After nationwide alerts and a massive search, investigators discovered the bodies of seven-year-old DeMond, two-year-old Ivan, and one-year-old Jinela stuffed into the washer and dryer in Tunstall's apartment, the Tribune reported. An autopsy later showed that the children, last seen with Hall, who often babysat them, on September 18, had been drowned and their naked bodies placed in the appliances.
Hall, currently in jail on a $5 million bond, pled not guilty September 25 in Tunstall and the baby's deaths. Authorities are still investigating the murders of the three older children, and prosecutors expect to present the case to a grand jury October 6, according to the Associated Press.
Ohio "Choose Life" License Plate Lawsuit Dropped
A lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Ohio's specialty "Choose Life" license plates has been dropped, as a result of the Supreme Court's June 26 refusal to overturn an appeals court decision approving similar plates in Tennessee, according to the Columbus Dispatch.
The license plates feature a drawing of a boy and girl with the phrases "Adoption builds a family" and "Choose life." They cost an extra $30 each year, $20 of which goes to groups that counsel women about adoption. The plates became available last year, and 2,299 have been sold since then, the Dispatch reported.
The American Civil Liberties Union American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), nonpartisan organization devoted to the preservation and extension of the basic rights set forth in the U.S. Constitution. (ACLU ACLU: see American Civil Liberties Union. ), representing NARAL NARAL National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League Pro-Choice Ohio, filed the suit arguing that the license plate program unfairly promoted only one side of the abortion debate. The ACLU had already lost in one court, when U.S. Judge Donald Nugent upheld the Ohio plates in September 2005, the Cleveland Plain Dealer reported. "There is an arguable benefit to the public in providing funding for adoption-related services separate and apart from any political or ideological arguments involved," Nugent ruled.
The case was on appeal to the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which had previously decided in March that Tennessee's Choose Life plates were constitutional. After the U.S. Supreme Court let the Tennessee appeals court decision stand, the ACLU knew the Ohio case had no chance for success in that court, according to the Dispatch.
"Our case had been stayed pending the outcome of the Tennessee case," ACLU attorney Carrie Davis told the Dispatch. "Once the stay was lifted, we filed to drop the case."
Studies Show Improvement after Adult Stem Cell Treatment of Heart Disease Studies published in the September 21 edition of the New England Journal of Medicine The New England Journal of Medicine (New Engl J Med or NEJM) is an English-language peer-reviewed medical journal published by the Massachusetts Medical Society. It is one of the most popular and widely-read peer-reviewed general medical journals in the world. (NEJM NEJM New England Journal of Medicine ) show some modest but definite improvement after heart attack survivors were given stem cells stem cells, unspecialized human or animal cells that can produce mature specialized body cells and at the same time replicate themselves. Embryonic stem cells are derived from a blastocyst (the blastula typical of placental mammals; see embryo), which is very young obtained from their own bone marrow.
"Recent randomized ran·dom·ize
tr.v. ran·dom·ized, ran·dom·iz·ing, ran·dom·iz·es
To make random in arrangement, especially in order to control the variables in an experiment. studies of cell therapy for heart disease represent a milestone in this rapidly developing field while serving as a cogent reminder that many important clinical and fundamental questions have yet to be addressed," wrote Dr. Anthony Rosenzweig of the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Both an international and regional referral center, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) in Boston, Massachusetts is a major teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School. It was formed out of the 1996 merger of Beth Israel Hospital (founded in 1916) and and Harvard Stem Cell stem cell
In living organisms, an undifferentiated cell that can produce other cells that eventually make up specialized tissues and organs. There are two major types of stem cells, embryonic and adult. Institute in an editorial in the same issue of NEJM. "The ultimate success of this strategy is likely to depend on continued and effective coordination of rigorous basic and clinical investigations."
Although one study by a team in Norway did not show significant improvement in six months between patients who were given stem cells derived from bone marrow (BMC (BMC Software, Inc., Houston, TX, A leading supplier of software that supports and improves the availability, performance, and recovery of applications in complex computing environments. ) and a control group who received no cells, two other studies from Germany were encouraging.
Researchers at Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany, led by senior author Andreas M. Zeiher, gave 204 patients who had suffered a heart attack either an injection of blood marrow stem cells or a placebo. At four months, according to the NEJM report, measurements showed that the improvement of the heart's efficiency in the BMC group was "significantly greater" than the placebo group.
"This double-blind and fully controlled trial controlled trial Clinical research A clinical study in which one group of participants receives an experimental drug while the other receives either a placebo or an approved–'gold standard' therapy. See Blinding, Double-blinded. provides the best evidence yet for beneficial effects of BMC after acute myocardial infarction acute myocardial infarction (
Rosenzweig also wrote that the German researchers "found the rate of adverse clinical events to be significantly lower at 1 year among patients receiving BMC than among those receiving placebo. ... [I]t reinforces the message that BMC infusion is not only feasible but also safe, and it raises the possibility that clinical benefits may exceed the modest improvement seen in ventricular function ventricular function,
n the cyclic contraction and relaxation of the ventricular myocardium. ."
Another study by researchers at Goethe University gave 75 patients either no cells, BMC, or cells derived from circulated blood, according to the NEJM report. The BMC group showed small but significant improvement after three months.
"Although the benefit observed after BMC infusion was modest ... , it is remarkable that any benefit was seen in these patients, who were studied on average more than 6 years after infarction and who were already receiving optimal medical care," Rosenzweig wrote. "The ... trial suggests that BMC can have effects beyond simple acceleration of healing after infarction. Whether repeated infusions would yield additive benefits and whether these benefits would persist will be important questions for future trials."
Abortion Leads to Murder-Suicide
According to an eyewitness, Plantation, Florida, police officer Laura Grunas blamed her boyfriend, firefighter Robert Peat, for the abortion death of her unborn baby before killing him and then turning the gun on herself, the South Florida Sun-Sentinel The South Florida Sun-Sentinel, owned by the Tribune Company, is the main daily newspaper of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and all of Broward County. Its main competitor in this area is the Miami Herald, out of neighboring Miami-Dade County to the south. reported.
Reserve police officer and volunteer firefighter Michael Roth, a friend of the couple, watched as Grunas, 30, and Peat, 31, were fiercely arguing on the afternoon of August 4. Neighbors told the Miami Herald that Grunas was yelling, "Why is everyone blaming this on me? He killed my baby."
"Roth advised that Peat had told him that when they found out she was pregnant, they decided to terminate the pregnancy," Detective Brian Kendall wrote in a report, according to the Sun-Sentinel. "Peat was enormously upset about it due to religious beliefs, but felt that it was the right thing to do."
But Peat told Roth that after the abortion "things had been getting progressively worse."
Police were called to the scene and asked Grunas to leave, the Herald reported. However, Grunas returned at about 8 p.m. and confronted Peat. She then used her service revolver to fatally shoot him in the chest before killing herself, according to the Herald.
Friends, relatives, and fellow police officers and firefighters said they were shocked at Grunas and Peat's deaths. "[Grunas] had an outgoing personality, was pleasant to be around," Michael Hanlon, president of the department's Fraternal Order of Police The Fraternal Order of Police is a US-based organization of sworn law enforcement officers. It is the world's largest organization of rank and file sworn officers, with over 2100 local lodges and over 325,000 members. lodge, told the Sun-Sentinel. "I never had the slightest inkling that this was going on."
"It's a terrible loss to everyone that worked with [Peat] and the fire department in general," Joe Hernandez, Peat's battalion chief, told the Sun-Sentinel.
Mother Arrested in Forced Abortion Attempt
The mother of a 16-year-old Columbus, Georgia, girl allegedly forced her twice to drink turpentine turpentine, yellow to brown semifluid oleoresin exuded from the sapwood of pines, firs, and other conifers. It is made up of two principal components, an essential oil and a type of resin that is called rosin. in an attempt to kill the girl's unborn baby, according to the Associated Press (AP). Rozzelletta Blackshire was arrested September 22 and charged with criminal abortion criminal abortion Obstetrics Deliberate and illegal termination of pregnancy. See Abortion, Roe v Wade. Cf Webster decision. and first-degree cruelty to children. Also arrested were two cousins, Shonda Blackshire and Monica Johnson, who were charged with criminal abortion, the AP reported.
"The mother and two cousins were involved in forcibly having her to take a quantity of turpentine on two different occasions explaining to her that their help would help kill her baby and do away with her pregnancy," said Lt. J.R. McMichael of the Columbus Police Department, according to WTVM.
The unidentified girl told school counselors about the incidents, and police have placed her in protective custody An arrangement whereby a person is safeguarded by law enforcement authorities in a location other than the person's home because his or her safety is seriously threatened. , WTVM reported. Examinations have shown no injury to her or the baby, and she continues to carry the baby to term, according to WTVM.
Illinois Woman Charged with Killing Mother and Unborn Child
In a gruesome and tragic case, an Illinois woman has been charged with first-degree murder and intentional homicide of an unborn child in the September 15 deaths of Jimella Tunstall, 24, and her seven-month-old unborn baby girl. Police are also investigating Hall for the drowning deaths of Tunstall's other children, aged 7, 2, and 1.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Voice for the Voiceless-Jennifer
Thank you for standing up for those who are unable to stand up for themselves (unborn children). See the little miracle God gifted me with.
It’s not like I woke up one morning and thought to myself, “Gee, I think I want to be a single mom.” It is by far the most challenging journey I have ever taken and yet, it’s brought me the most fulfilling a delightful moments of my life. Being given the opportunity to birth and raise my son has been God’s greatest gift.
I knew I was pregnant. I couldn’t explain it; I just felt… different. When I took the pregnancy test that confirmed new life brewing inside of me, that moment not only changed my life forever but, it caused me to hyperventilate and fall on the bathroom floor of a busy office.
When I called my son’s sperm donor (I call him this because he doesn’t actually parent at all), he seemed much more calm than I imagined. I imagined he would demand for me to abort my pregnancy and I would have to run away from him. At that time, we were facing some very serious challenges and he had been charged with a felony. Although he was calm, he wasn’t supportive. His parents suggested we abort our pregnancy and he even brought up the possibility. I am a very strong-minded woman and knowing it was my choice – alone, I knew I would never consider and was prepared to reject, even shun any suggestions to abort my pregnancy.
I was 8 weeks pregnant when I left my son’s sperm donor and returned home to the Seattle area. I had been supporting this man emotionally for some time and realized I had nothing left to give, especially after being told I was no longer loved by him. My friends and family were waiting for me, with opens arms. Realizing I needed their support and love, I was more than relieved to be back home. I moved into a one-bedroom apartment and began planning for the new addition in my life. It was strange to be pregnant and alone. So many moments I felt I needed to share with someone else who was just as excited as I was about the life inside of me. When I found out I was having a boy, I named him Tyler. I bought blue - everything. When he kicked me at night, there was no one lying next to me to share the joy. All the special moments of pregnancy were only shared between my unborn child and I. When I woke up in labor, it seemed strange to not be able to turn to someone beside me and say, “It’s time, honey.” It was obvious; I was missing something.
Tyler was born 3 weeks early, on February 20th, 2004. He weighed 6 pounds, 9 ounces and was 19.5 inches in length. He was born with a full head of white blonde hair. He was absolutely beautiful. I couldn’t take my eyes off of him for even a moment. I couldn’t put him down…. I still can’t, sometimes.
Tyler and I adjusted to our new lives together fairly easily. I went back to work when he was 7 weeks old and I only cried every day for two weeks!! Fortunately, he has always been a really good kid. He somehow knows that mommy not only has to work, but had to keep on top of the laundry, the dishes, groceries and the most important responsibility of all – being a mom. He has his moments and throws a few tantrums here and there, but what can I say? He’s almost 2!!
I am now engaged to an incredible man. He wants to adopt Tyler and the two of them are quite attached. It’s really neat to see. He’s a father to Tyler without me asking or expecting. He’s man, a real man.
The last two and a half years have been really hard and truly amazing, at the same time. I am not sure where I would have been without Tyler in my life. He’s taught me so much about who I am and who God meant for me to be. Children change our lives. Sure, it’s challenging to be a parent and even more challenging to be a single parent. Most things in life worthwhile have their share of challenges. Children are gifts and we all make choices that make their existence inevitable. Whether we choose to carry out our unplanned pregnancy or abort it, we can never change the fact that this life did or does exist. God created life and I have had the privilege of carrying a life into this world.
Jennifer, Oregon
It’s not like I woke up one morning and thought to myself, “Gee, I think I want to be a single mom.” It is by far the most challenging journey I have ever taken and yet, it’s brought me the most fulfilling a delightful moments of my life. Being given the opportunity to birth and raise my son has been God’s greatest gift.
I knew I was pregnant. I couldn’t explain it; I just felt… different. When I took the pregnancy test that confirmed new life brewing inside of me, that moment not only changed my life forever but, it caused me to hyperventilate and fall on the bathroom floor of a busy office.
When I called my son’s sperm donor (I call him this because he doesn’t actually parent at all), he seemed much more calm than I imagined. I imagined he would demand for me to abort my pregnancy and I would have to run away from him. At that time, we were facing some very serious challenges and he had been charged with a felony. Although he was calm, he wasn’t supportive. His parents suggested we abort our pregnancy and he even brought up the possibility. I am a very strong-minded woman and knowing it was my choice – alone, I knew I would never consider and was prepared to reject, even shun any suggestions to abort my pregnancy.
I was 8 weeks pregnant when I left my son’s sperm donor and returned home to the Seattle area. I had been supporting this man emotionally for some time and realized I had nothing left to give, especially after being told I was no longer loved by him. My friends and family were waiting for me, with opens arms. Realizing I needed their support and love, I was more than relieved to be back home. I moved into a one-bedroom apartment and began planning for the new addition in my life. It was strange to be pregnant and alone. So many moments I felt I needed to share with someone else who was just as excited as I was about the life inside of me. When I found out I was having a boy, I named him Tyler. I bought blue - everything. When he kicked me at night, there was no one lying next to me to share the joy. All the special moments of pregnancy were only shared between my unborn child and I. When I woke up in labor, it seemed strange to not be able to turn to someone beside me and say, “It’s time, honey.” It was obvious; I was missing something.
Tyler and I adjusted to our new lives together fairly easily. I went back to work when he was 7 weeks old and I only cried every day for two weeks!! Fortunately, he has always been a really good kid. He somehow knows that mommy not only has to work, but had to keep on top of the laundry, the dishes, groceries and the most important responsibility of all – being a mom. He has his moments and throws a few tantrums here and there, but what can I say? He’s almost 2!!
I am now engaged to an incredible man. He wants to adopt Tyler and the two of them are quite attached. It’s really neat to see. He’s a father to Tyler without me asking or expecting. He’s man, a real man.
Jennifer, Oregon
Pro-Life Victory as Northern Ireland Abortion Guidelines Rejected by High Court
Pro-life advocates in Northern Ireland are celebrating a major court victory today as the Belfast High Court has ordered the recall of health guidelines that they said would have undermined and effectively overturned the province's pro-life laws.
Lord Justice Girvan found that the guidelines failed to deal properly with conscientious objection to abortion and counseling on abortion. The judge said the guidelines were open to misinterpretation, saying the language was "ambiguous" and left doctors and staff unclear as to what was expected of them. The judge said the guidelines needed to be absolutely clear, otherwise they represented "a trap to the unwary."
Justice Girvan awarded court costs against the Northern Ireland Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety.
Liam Gibson, Northern Ireland officer for the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) said, "We hope that the department will now take seriously many of the concerns which were largely disregarded when the guidelines were being drafted."
Pro-life groups argued in court that the guidelines failed to mention the fact that abortion remains a criminal offense in Northern Ireland. They said they were "misleading and legally inaccurate" and would have brought abortion on demand into the province by "bureaucratic stealth."
SPUC had argued that it was wrong for the Department of Health to expect health care workers to give "non-directive counselling" to women considering abortion.
"It is simply extraordinary that a government department should have issued guidance on criminal legislation and not have once mentioned the victim of the crime," Gibson said.
Bernadette Smyth, director of Northern Ireland's leading pro-life group Precious Life, said, "The court decision today is a victory for our unborn children." Precious Life ran a petition campaign calling for the withdrawal of the guidelines.
"Our assessment that the guidelines were legally and medically flawed has been vindicated. They were an attempt to change the interpretation of the law and would have effectively legalised abortion in Northern Ireland through the back door."
That Britain's 1967 Abortion Act does not apply in Northern Ireland continues to irritate abortion advocates who campaign ceaselessly to overturn the province's law. Opposition in the province to abortion remains strong, however, from both the public and most political parties, including the Social Democrats, Labour Party, Sinn Féin, the Ulster Unionist Party and the Democratic Unionist Party as well as the Catholic Church and evangelical Protestant groups.
In October 2007 a motion was passed in the Northern Ireland Assembly, tabled by MLAs Jeffrey Donaldson and Iris Robinson, that rejected the draft guidelines. Nevertheless, the status of the guidelines remained ambiguous for a year while pro-life groups launched their legal challenge.
Lord Justice Girvan found that the guidelines failed to deal properly with conscientious objection to abortion and counseling on abortion. The judge said the guidelines were open to misinterpretation, saying the language was "ambiguous" and left doctors and staff unclear as to what was expected of them. The judge said the guidelines needed to be absolutely clear, otherwise they represented "a trap to the unwary."
Justice Girvan awarded court costs against the Northern Ireland Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety.
Liam Gibson, Northern Ireland officer for the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) said, "We hope that the department will now take seriously many of the concerns which were largely disregarded when the guidelines were being drafted."
SPUC had argued that it was wrong for the Department of Health to expect health care workers to give "non-directive counselling" to women considering abortion.
"It is simply extraordinary that a government department should have issued guidance on criminal legislation and not have once mentioned the victim of the crime," Gibson said.
Bernadette Smyth, director of Northern Ireland's leading pro-life group Precious Life, said, "The court decision today is a victory for our unborn children." Precious Life ran a petition campaign calling for the withdrawal of the guidelines.
"Our assessment that the guidelines were legally and medically flawed has been vindicated. They were an attempt to change the interpretation of the law and would have effectively legalised abortion in Northern Ireland through the back door."
That Britain's 1967 Abortion Act does not apply in Northern Ireland continues to irritate abortion advocates who campaign ceaselessly to overturn the province's law. Opposition in the province to abortion remains strong, however, from both the public and most political parties, including the Social Democrats, Labour Party, Sinn Féin, the Ulster Unionist Party and the Democratic Unionist Party as well as the Catholic Church and evangelical Protestant groups.
In October 2007 a motion was passed in the Northern Ireland Assembly, tabled by MLAs Jeffrey Donaldson and Iris Robinson, that rejected the draft guidelines. Nevertheless, the status of the guidelines remained ambiguous for a year while pro-life groups launched their legal challenge.
Detroit Archbishop Leads Prayer Walk outside Abortion Facilities
Detroit Archbishop Allen Vigneron led parishioners of the archdiocese in a pro-life prayer march in front of two abortion facilities on Saturday, November 21st. The prayer march was preceded by an early morning mass and concluded with Eucharistic benediction.
We "must be a witness patterned after God Himself: generous, kind, patient, but undaunting and constant," said the archbishop at the 7:30 Mass opening the event.
The archbishop explained: "It is God's plan that the whole world would somehow reflect His greatness, and that we, men and women, the human beings of His who form the crown of His creation in this world, would cherish the capacity for the generation of life."
After the opening Mass, held at St. Joan of Arc parish, people gathered at St. Veronica's church for a rosary procession under the banner of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The procession, the last of four this year sponsored by Helpers of God's Precious Infants of Michigan, was the largest yet, with an estimated 450-700 in attendance.
From St. Veronica's the participants proceeded to 8 Mile Road, close to two abortion facilities, while praying the 20 decades of the rosary. Most of the participants knelt for a moment of silence after the prayers.
Archbishop Vigneron told Ave Maria Radio that such prayers, are "profoundly important."
"First of all, your know, I don't even think in any way what we do should be identified as a demonstration," he said. "It's a witness; we're there witnessing to the Gospel of life."
"Everybody works very hard to create an atmosphere of serenity and respect. Even for the people who are responsible for abortion."
Parishioner of Assumption Grotto Parish in Detroit, Diane Korzeniewski similarly told LifeSiteNews that the "vigil was not a protest, but a prayer."
"There was no anger or hatred. Rather, the vigil was rooted in genuine Christian love for all involved - including the staff workers at the clinic."
After praying, parishioners returned to St. Joan of Arc's where Monsignor Bugarin of St. Joan of Arc offered benediction. Those who were unable to walk had remained in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament during the march.
We "must be a witness patterned after God Himself: generous, kind, patient, but undaunting and constant," said the archbishop at the 7:30 Mass opening the event.
After the opening Mass, held at St. Joan of Arc parish, people gathered at St. Veronica's church for a rosary procession under the banner of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The procession, the last of four this year sponsored by Helpers of God's Precious Infants of Michigan, was the largest yet, with an estimated 450-700 in attendance.
From St. Veronica's the participants proceeded to 8 Mile Road, close to two abortion facilities, while praying the 20 decades of the rosary. Most of the participants knelt for a moment of silence after the prayers.
Archbishop Vigneron told Ave Maria Radio that such prayers, are "profoundly important."
"First of all, your know, I don't even think in any way what we do should be identified as a demonstration," he said. "It's a witness; we're there witnessing to the Gospel of life."
"Everybody works very hard to create an atmosphere of serenity and respect. Even for the people who are responsible for abortion."
Parishioner of Assumption Grotto Parish in Detroit, Diane Korzeniewski similarly told LifeSiteNews that the "vigil was not a protest, but a prayer."
"There was no anger or hatred. Rather, the vigil was rooted in genuine Christian love for all involved - including the staff workers at the clinic."
After praying, parishioners returned to St. Joan of Arc's where Monsignor Bugarin of St. Joan of Arc offered benediction. Those who were unable to walk had remained in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament during the march.
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