We "must be a witness patterned after God Himself: generous, kind, patient, but undaunting and constant," said the archbishop at the 7:30 Mass opening the event.
After the opening Mass, held at St. Joan of Arc parish, people gathered at St. Veronica's church for a rosary procession under the banner of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The procession, the last of four this year sponsored by Helpers of God's Precious Infants of Michigan, was the largest yet, with an estimated 450-700 in attendance.
From St. Veronica's the participants proceeded to 8 Mile Road, close to two abortion facilities, while praying the 20 decades of the rosary. Most of the participants knelt for a moment of silence after the prayers.
Archbishop Vigneron told Ave Maria Radio that such prayers, are "profoundly important."
"First of all, your know, I don't even think in any way what we do should be identified as a demonstration," he said. "It's a witness; we're there witnessing to the Gospel of life."
"Everybody works very hard to create an atmosphere of serenity and respect. Even for the people who are responsible for abortion."
Parishioner of Assumption Grotto Parish in Detroit, Diane Korzeniewski similarly told LifeSiteNews that the "vigil was not a protest, but a prayer."
"There was no anger or hatred. Rather, the vigil was rooted in genuine Christian love for all involved - including the staff workers at the clinic."
After praying, parishioners returned to St. Joan of Arc's where Monsignor Bugarin of St. Joan of Arc offered benediction. Those who were unable to walk had remained in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament during the march.
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